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2023, International Thermoelectric Society Graduate Student Award (1st winner in Singapore)

2022, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

2022, IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award (shortlisted), The Institution of Engineers Singapore

2019, Excellent Master Thesis Award of Harbin Institute of Technology

2019, Summa Cum Laude Graduates of Southern University of Science and Technology 南方科技大学(十佳)毕业研究生

2018, National Scholarship, 国家奖学金

2018, The 3rd China Creative Wing Entrepreneurial Innovation Competition National Final "The Star of Creative Wing"
第三届 "中国创翼" 创业创新大赛全国选拔赛创翼之星奖, 人力资源和社会保障部全国人才流动中心
2018, The 3rd China Creative Wing Entrepreneurial Innovation Competition Gansu Province Final First Prize
第三届 "中国创翼" 创业创新大赛甘肃省总选拔赛一等奖, 甘肃省人力资源和社会保障厅

2018, The 10th China Thermoelectric Materials and Application Conference-JouleYacht Best Poster Award, CTS-CMRS

2017, The 15th Challenge Cup National Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology Second Prize 
第十五届"挑战杯"全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖, 共青团中央/中国科协/中华人民共和国教育部/中国社会科学院/全国学联/上海市人民政府

2017, ICONE25-Qian Sanqiang Best Poster Award, CNS/ASME/JSME

2017, The 11th Challenge Cup Gansu Province Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology Special Prize 第十一届"挑战杯"甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖, 甘肃团省委/甘肃省教育厅/甘肃科协/甘肃学联

2017, Summa Cum Laude Graduates of Lanzhou University 兰州大学(十佳)学术深造型 "出彩毕业生"

2017, Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award of Lanzhou University
2016, Chun-Tsung scholar (政学者, Founded by Nobel laureate Tsung-Dao Lee)

2016, The Top 10 Youth League of Lanzhou University 兰州大学首届十佳共青团员

2015, The 4th AkzoNobel China Student Sustainability Award MCA Special Award

2015, First Class Scholarship for Outstanding Students of Lanzhou University

2014, National Encouragement Scholarship

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